How to Build a Marketing Budget. 3 Steps to Help You Plan for 2021.
Defining a marketing budget can be a challenging process in a normal year. 2020 has brought nonstop changes, which may make the budgeting process more complex than ever before. Here are three steps to help define your 2021 marketing budget.
![7 Steps [and a bonus step] to a Results-Driven Marketing Plan](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e72522adbbb043af8eed317/1598448887103-4483WHAH547CZJKB63SN/AdobeStock_92321615+lo+res.jpeg)
7 Steps [and a bonus step] to a Results-Driven Marketing Plan
Your marketing strategy (the why) guides your tactics-based marketing plan (the how). The plan includes the actions you will execute to achieve your marketing goals. You have four months to achieve 2020 goals, so let the planning begin.

10 Components of a Profitable Marketing Strategy
Your marketing strategy (the why) guides your tactics-based marketing plan (the how). The plan includes the actions you will execute to achieve your marketing goals. You have four months to achieve 2020 goals, so let the planning begin.

3 Ideas to Start Your Pivot. 28 hours, 1767 Miles and 95-degree heat can Teach You a lot About Your Business.
How many webcasts, blogs, and articles have you listened to or read that tell you [now is the time to pivot your business]? But how do you begin the process?
During a drive to the midwest, I uncovered a few ideas to help you start thinking about your future. Read how three everyday experiences - podcasts, re-openings and time with your family - can teach you to find opportunity.

Take Time to Reflect on Your Business
The past six months have presented new challenges and provided new opportunities. The second half of 2020 is going to be different from the first half. Reflect on what you have achieved and build on those accomplishments to provide perspective for your path forward.

Great Ideas Start with Customer Engagement
As we move forward in business this year, it’s important to connect with customers and ask questions to help build a sound marketing strategy. Now is the time to create a process where you continually engage with your customers and prospects.

4 Programs to Help You Retain Your Customers
Your customer base is your most important asset. Retaining your customers should be your priority at all times. Executing a sales and marketing strategy to maintain your customer base is critically import in rapidly changing business environments. Customer retention is your first plank in a marketing strategy.

New Offering, Now What? Educate. Promote. Partner.
Signage and banners are good sales opportunities, especially during COVID-19. If you don’t have wide-format capabilities, you might even want to consider partnering with a local PSP. However, when you do decide to enter a new market or provide a new service, you need to promote it and educate your customers.

5 Areas of Focus to Kick-Start Your Business. Opportunity Is Everywhere.
Think about how this pandemic and the environment have impacted your clients and their businesses. Consider how your customers have changed, how your services can benefit customers at a time like this, and you may discover new opportunities for your printing business.

Pivoting to Online Collaboration? 3 Tips to Help You Stay Hinged.
Getting used to being on video calls may take some time in this new normal. Here are a few insights that will help you get comfortable in the webcam way of life.

Ready to Showcase that Million Dollar Press? Don’t Promote It.
So often when reviewing print service provider websites, collateral as well as sales proposals, I see information about their latest device, software application, or platform — as we say, the speeds and feeds of print technology. While their operations team may have been excited when evaluating the new “must have” device, their customers, not so much.

A Survival Guide for Working from Home
Seven tips to help you stay sane
It’s inevitable. At some point, you may be asked — or already have been told — to work from home. This time for more than one day. It may be weeks, a month, perhaps even longer.

How to Identify, Capture and Measure Leads from a Trade Show
Download this whitepaper by Exhibit Concepts to learn how to identify your lead types, how to select the right kind of measurement technology to capture data, and defined metrics and formulas that will help you justify your trade show marketing budget.

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way
Ten tips to help you increase lead fulfillment and protect your exhibit-marketing program in the process.
By Travis Stanton, with comments by Kimberly Meyers