3 Tips to Improve Your Marketing Communications Cadence.
Pixabay by jmexclusives
On a recent run my mind was wandering, to nowhere in particular. When I started to focus on the run, I felt like I was slogging through each step. One heavy foot in front of the other, slowly, continuously. Not really achieving my goal for that run.
Once I realized what was happening, I changed my cadence. Shortened my stride. Quickly picked up each foot. Then my run was back on track. I was feeling good, refreshed and my mind was clearing.
Has this happened to you or your customer communications?
It’s important to understand that marketing communication is an ongoing trail and you need to be agile and willing to adapt. Below are three tips to get you focusing on your marketing communications cadence:
1) Set expectations.
You need to continually reach out and communicate with your prospects and customers to stay top of mind. Evaluate the frequency that each of your audience types (personas) require. This is critical and will determine the success for your multichannel approach. Consider the appropriate frequency for each channel. Your comprehensive plan will include multiple media: mail, hand delivered pieces (if and when this happens), emails, webinars, videos and posts to your social media networks. Most companies find success when they employ all of these channels. And each of these channels have purpose in your program to meet audience expectations.
2) Get organized by scheduling.
Strive to understand what the cadence should be for each of your programs and be aware that each program rolls up into your strategy. Be aware of industry and business events that are scheduled for the year. This will help you take advantage of industry and business news. Creating a schedule, I recommend a rolling, three month schedule, also keeps your organization accountable and ensures that your messaging is focused. The schedule should be available to everyone in your organization that interacts with your prospects and customers.
3) Automate. Automate. Automate.
Using data-driven applications should be one of your 2021 goals, if you’re not quite there yet. And since you have a schedule developed, you can realize efficiencies by using tools to set up both print and on-line communications. Having automated tools will also help you evaluate what’s working and what’s not. Continue with what’s working and tweak when something is amiss. Even the most effective marketing programs need to include a “tweak factor.”. There are ebbs and flows to the amount of communication that you schedule. And there are important business considerations; service launches, new offerings and even holidays. Automation tools can help you stay on track and maintain your focus.
These three tips are just the start of your improved marketing communications cadence.
How did I feel at the end of the run? Delighted that I was outside, enjoyed the beautiful blue sky and very happy that I refocused on the purpose of my run and quickened my cadence.
Not sure how to improve your marketing communications cadence? Share the post, email or call me direct 646.320.8854 for more information.
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